AI is everywhere. The major popular applications of Artificial Intelligence are ML, software, computers, and devices that can perform through cognition. Here are some examples of ML that we use in our daily life. This blog helps to learn the applications of Machine Learning, join a Machine Learning course in Chennai to get an amazing career.

  • Video Surveillance

Imagine a single person is monitoring multiple cameras. It is difficult to manage but computers can do this. This video surveillance system is powered by Artificial Intelligence which helps to avoid crime before it happens. They track the unusual behavior of people.

  • Social Media Services

This service helps to utilize ML for their own.

Face Recognition: Facebook can easily recognize the picture while uploading. It checks the projections and poses in the picture. The entire process of the backend is complicated.

Similar Pins: ML is the core element of the computer vision, this helps to get the information from videos and images.

  • Online Customer Support

Nowadays websites can provide the option to chat with customers. This helps to get answers to all your queries. Some websites have chatbot processes that extract the information and provide answers to the customers. Using chatbot helps to serve better solutions for all the queries due to ML algorithms. Know more about this tool via Machine Learning Training in Chennai, experts teach you everything with real-time scenarios.

  • Online Fraud Detection

ML algorithms help to track the unwanted activities online. For example: Flipkart is using Machine Learning to protect against money laundering. This company uses this tool to identify customer transactions between buyers and sellers.

I hope this blog gives lots of information about Machine learning applications.

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