AngularJS is a popular framework used for data binding, code reusability and MVC architecture. It is released in 2009. Alternatives like Vue and React delivered AngularJS with added advantages. The angular team rewrites the code for their improvement. There are plenty of applications are still run in today’s world. If you are starting a new project in Angular approach AngularJS Training in Chennai. Know everything about Angular vs AngularJS here.
Angular 2 was released in 2016, it gives superior performance for all. Every new version of Angular(4,5,6,7,8) has non-breaking incremental changes.
AngularJS offers an elegant solution to SPA with Model View Controller MVC) architecture and two-way data binding.
Angular 5X is faster compared to AngularJS. It helps to design the application in the best way.
Key Differences
Angular was rewritten with the help of TypeScript. It provides syntax for ES6 based extensions, annotations, type checking and much more. It compiles with regular JavaScript.
TypeScript is compiled into ES5 JavaScript, this code still runs on the browsers.
Dependency Injection(DI)
Angular and AngularJS both prefer dependency injection. It helps to share angular functionality across different components.
Component Architecture vs MVC
AngularJS represents model, view, controller(MVC) software design pattern. Models are updated in both the view and controller. HTML file dynamically updates on $scope variables. Get your AngularJS Certification via FITA support. The expert’s approach is helpful for all.
Angular CLI
Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) helps to generate Angular components, directives, services, etc., It also helps to build projects with different environments and allows different things like type checking, linting and much more.
Advantages of Angular
Compared to AngularJS, Angular offers lots of advantages:
Mobile Development
Angular helps to develop applications that work on native devices like Android, iOS and browsers.
With Angular CLI, a user can generate Angular components, directives, services, etc. without using any copy/paste actions.
AngularJS makes sense with the small application and the user doesn’t want to bother about the ins and outs of TypeScript and NodeJS.
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